Travel Vaccines

There’s no point spending hours choosing your swimwear, beach bag and flip-flops if you barely think about the bugs and other health risks that could ruin your holiday.

Almost one in four UK holidaymakers don’t get any vaccinations despite travelling to areas that have life-threatening infectious disease.

Vaccinations protect you against many travel-related infections, such as yellow fevertyphoid and hepatitis A. Use the information on these pages to learn about travel vaccines, which ones you need for your destination, and when and where to get them.  Infectious diseases can make you very sick, spoil your holiday and even kill or cripple you. For more information visit

The vaccines

The following vaccinations are available in surgery for patients travelling abroad:

Cholera – 2 oral doses separated by an interval of 1-6 weeks.  These are free of charge. 

Hepatitis B – 3 injections are required at day 1, 1 month and 6 months. There is a charge of £82.50 per course of 3 injections.  A blood test is required at 7 months to check for immunity (no charge). There are certain situations where this will be supplied free of charge but this will be discussed with you by the nurse. 

TyphoidHepatitis A, DiptheriaTetanus & Polio, Combined Hep A & Hep B– these are free of charge

There are a number of other vaccinations which you may require for travelling abroad that are not available here at the surgery. There are a several Pharmacists which may be able to help provide these vaccinations. 

When and where

To help us advise you on the vaccinations you may need please complete the following form found HERE 

Once completed please send the form to the surgery where it will be reviewed by the Practice Nurse, we will then contact you to offer you an appointment. Please note that vaccinations should be done ideally at least 8 weeks prior to travel.