Patient Participation Group (PPG)
We are looking to re-establish our PPG group. The aim of the group is to give patients and practice staff the opportunity to meet and discuss ways we can improve patient experiences and other practice issues.
All patients at the practice are part of the PPG and we welcome feedback through patient surveys and our ‘Friends and Family’ reviews.
We are looking for a group of up to 10 people who wish to take an active role and attend bi-monthly meetings here at the surgery (5 meetings a year lasting between 1 hour – 1 ½ hours). The meetings will take place alternatively in an afternoon and an evening to make the meetings accessible to more people. It would be good to see a cross section of our patient list.
This working group would need people to take over the roles of Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary.
Our first meeting will be on Wednesday 16th October at 2.00pm.
If you would like to register your interest, please get in touch via